
Liquid flow calibration

Errakal has two facilities for calibrations of flow meters with liquids, which discriminate in size, DN 80 and DN 300. See specifications below.

Description ≤ DN 80 ≤ DN 300
Flow 1 ÷ 60 m3/h 3 ÷ 600 m3/h
Liquid temperature 20 ÷ 70 ºC 20 ÷ 70 ºC
Ambient temperature 20 ± 3 ºC 20 ± 3 ºC *
Pressure (depend on liquid) 8 – 10 bar 7 – 10 bar
Available length 6 m 8 m
Liquids viscosity (cSt) viscosity (cSt)
Water 1 (20ºC); 0.7 (45ºC); 0.4 (70 ºC) 1 (20ºC); 0.7 (45ºC); 0.4 (70 ºC)
Sugar solution up to 70 up to 70
Glycol up to 200 n.a.
Primary standard Prover loop / Weighing scale Prover loop / volume vessel
Working standards DN 25 Pd meter DN 50 turbine meter
DN 50 Pd meter DN 100 turbine meter
Accuracy Better than ± 0.1 % Better than ± 0.1 %
Piping material Stainless steel Stainless steel
))* = in the summer the maximum ambient temperature can be 28 ºC with a liquid temperature of 70 ºC

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